Improving Regulatory Intelligence Through Effective Quality Data Analytics


In a Warning Letter issued in March 2024, to a large medical device company, the FDA cites several
issues associated with the CAPA requirements of 21 CFR 820.100(a). Historically CAPA has been the
subsystem most often referenced in association with Quality Management System (QMS) deficiencies,
so the inclusion of CAPA deficiencies is not surprising. However, in this Warning Letter, FDA specifically
addresses the requirements for quality data analysis delineated in the CAPA regulation. This is not as
common as other CAPA findings. This article considers the FDA expectations for quality data analysis
(e.g., trend analysis) as suggested by the Warning Letter and provides key points to consider when
trending data such as post market complaint and non-conformance events. This is important as quality
data analytics have a direct impact on management’s decision-making process. Making the right
decision at the right time requires regulatory intelligence which is gained through on-market data
analysis using the best statistical techniques to find signals within aggregate data. The information
presented here is applicable to medical device quality system requirements established in 21 CFR
820.100(a) as well as ISO 13485:2016, Section 8.1.

Good Trending Practices

The medical device requirements for CAPA in both the FDAs Quality System Regulation and ISO
13485:2016 QMS standard require statistical analysis of quality data to identify quality problems that
require corrective and preventive action. Quality Data includes production and post-market data
sources that provide a measure of product performance and adherence to product specifications. Based
on 20+ years of medical device audit experience, CAPA escalation requirements and statistical trending
methodologies continue to be ambiguous, poorly documented, poorly communicated, and inadequately
defended during audits/inspections. More concerted effort is required if the device industry is going to
properly document the statistical methods used for trending, establish trending triggers/thresholds, and
communicate CAPA escalation criteria.

The reality of what FDA expects companies to do to comply with quality data analysis requirements is
explored in the context of the March 2024 Warning Letter which preferences the quality data analysis
finding with an introduction which quotes the regulation:

Your firm’s CAPA procedure and related standard operating procedures have not been adequately
established to analyze quality data to identify existing and potential causes of nonconforming product
or other quality problems.”

Highly specific detail regarding statistical methods, data presentation conventions, and rationale for
statistical methods is very necessary to ensure signal detection and consistency in how data is assessed
between analysis period and the next. This means understanding and defining procedurally how
trending data is to be identified, collated, transformed, normalized, quantitatively assessed, and visually
presented to ensure that the methodology is statistically relevant and justified based on the type of
data, quantity available for analysis, and intention of the analysis.

The Warning Letter continues:
“Your procedure, [X], does not provide uniform process or includes clearly defined criteria to escalate
events such as nonconformances to a CAPA. The processes for nonconformance risk assessment of
single nonconformances has not been developed, nor has it adequately defined actions to be taken for
different levels of risk and correcting problems and preventing them from recurring….and…the only
reference to CAPA escalation is through the procedure [X]. Your procedures do not define a method to
escalate a single complaint record to the CAPA Request process.”

Escalation to CAPA can be based on a single event with a high severity of occurrence or multiple events
occurring over time with a lesser severity. (Consider that risk goes up if either the Severity or Frequency
of Occurrence increases.)  This concept needs to be defined in both the CAPA procedure as well as
within the feeder system procedures. Alternatively, both procedures can provide clear cross-reference
to a single, centralized trending work instruction that defines detailed metric trending plans for each
data source.

Your procedure, [X], does not provide a process to determine whether a CAPA Request should be
opened for a noted complaint trend.”

A perceived signal might not automatically result in a CAPA. Opening too many CAPAs, if they are not
warranted, can cause a significant strain on resources and as many problems as not opening enough
CAPAs. CAPAs require significant resources to process and manage. When a signal is detected, the
owner of the data set should initiate a preliminary trend investigation to determine if the statistical
signal is valid or possibly a result of “noise” caused by an explainable event or a data anomaly. If the
trend appears to be valid, a CAPA request should be submitted to the CAPA Review Board (or
equivalent). The trending data and signals that result from it provide a means for triggering a CAPA
based on the frequency of occurrence of a particular hazard or hazardous situation. As indicated above,
a CAPA should also be considered if a single event indicates:
– High degree of harm which is attributable to the medical device, such as that resulting in a serious
injury or death.
– The resulting harm exceeds the harm predicted and previously determined to be acceptable based
on risk assessments (with reference to the Risk Management File (RMF).
– Any new harms, not predicted and not previously assessed for risk.

There are cases where an explainable anomaly in the trend analysis data may occur. A common example
would be one where the complaint trending data for the current month indicates a significant upward
trend in particulate levels in immediate device packaging. Further data analysis done as part of a
preliminary investigation to determine the validity of the trend determined that a single overseas
distributor had held complaints over six months and then sent them all in at once. While the bolus of
submitted complaints from the distributor appears to indicate a trend, the events were reported for
production lots over a 6–8-month period and re-assessing the data based on actual dates of production
and/or dates reported from the field results in stable data and no definitive signal. In this instance,
escalation to a CAPA review board would not be warranted and would distract resources from more
important work. This is assuming that the possibility for particulate in immediate product packaging had
been assessed for risk in the Risk Management File and that the frequency of occurrence was within a
predicted and acceptable level approved as part of the product’s Risk Management Report.

The information is used to determine the severity of…nonconformance trends is not adequately

Trending of product quality data must be based on the frequency of occurrence of specific failure modes
(hazards or hazardous situations). Why? Because the most fundamental reason for trend analysis is to
monitor risk to the patient/user resulting from specific events that occur in actual use. Risk is dependent
on the hazard that occurred and/or the resulting hazardous situation. The Risk Management Files
(RMFs) establish the degree of risk that is anticipated and acceptable based on specific hazards and
hazardous situations that occur; it is NOT based on an overall aggregate complaint rate that simply
counts the total number of all complaints (or the normalized complaint rate) without regard to a specific
hazard or hazardous situation. If trending is limited to looking at the aggregate number of complaints
over time, it is not likely that signals will be detected as the hazard of interest will be diluted over the
entire data set. This does not mean that every month every possible hazard or hazardous situation (i.e.,
“complaint code” or “as-reported” complaint category) will be statistically analyzed. Each month the
data collected should be assessed in a Pareto Chart that will delineate which event types are occurring
at a frequency that warrants analysis and which ones “fall-off” into the “onesie, twosie” buckets that do
not provide adequate data (or concern) for further statistical treatment.

There is no…definition on how to separate the data, if any trigger limits are used, what cut-off value
was set for high volume complaints, and what scale is used for frequency/occurrence ratings for high
and low value nonconformances.”

It is not enough to define the statistical methods to be used in data analysis. Procedures also need to
specify what actions are to be taken in the case a trend or signal is realized. This means defining alert
limits, action limits, or thresholds and what must be done and documented when these are reached.
Consider that if you set only an action limit that is tied to the highest tolerable anticipated frequency of
occurrence stated in the risk management file; at the point this limit is reached, the company will be
operating outside of tolerable and approved risk limits. If fielded product exceeds the risk level allowed
by the Risk Management File, the company may be facing field Correction or Removal. The company is
reacting too late to prevent potential harm associated with on-market devices and too late to prevent
having to initiate costly remediation. Thresholds or action limits need to be sufficiently inside the
documented allowable risk level so that the situation is righted before having to move to an expensive
recall situation. How far “inside” the RMFs’ frequency of occurrence should the action limit be set to
trigger CAPA consideration? This should be based on severity such that the alert limit is more
conservative for those hazards/hazardous situations with higher severity. (Consider, for example, setting
an action limit 1Σ below the upper allowable frequency of occurrence for severities of 1-2, but 2Σ below
the upper allowable frequency if the severity is >3 (on a 5-point Severity scale.)

Procedures also need to define the trending rules that will be applied when analyzing event occurrences
relative to time. Control charts are commonly used to present time ordered data such as monthly
complaint rates for specific failure modes (events) of interest. Frequency of event occurrence is
calculated and plotted on a control chart over time with an average historical baseline imposed on the
control chart. The frequency in a time-ordered series is typically monthly when considering post market
data such as complaint or nonconformance rates.

The “baseline” (provides the reference for detecting data shifts or anomalies. The may be determined
and plotted by calculating the average of the datapoints occurring in the time-series. For example,
calculating the average value of the current month’s complaint rate and the previous 11 months. This
value is plotted on the control chart, representing the average complaint rate for use as the basis for
applying “run rules.” It is important to understand that the value can shift over time if it is recalculated
when each new data point is added to the time-series chart. Subtle changes in the data occur as each
new data point is added to the time series. This can mask trends occurring over longer periods of time
when the trend is based on a slow increase over multiple time points. A static, unmoving can be used to
eliminate this slow shift in the baseline value. This is established by taking a statistically significant
number of continuous data points (e.g., 30 months of historical monthly complaint rates) and calculating
the average of these (after removing outliers). This single average value () is plotted on the chart each
month without recalculating the value based on the addition of each current month. The baseline
becomes static or unmoving point of reference over time.

The charted data may indicate an out-of-control condition either when one or more points on the chart
fall beyond a pre-defined control limit or when the collective points exhibit some type of nonrandom or
unlikely pattern over time in relation to the historical or static baseline average. A “run” is a sequence of
contiguous points occurring over time where each point demonstrates the same tendency or condition.
These conditions can be described relative to the average baseline value of all the plotted data or
relative to a series of contiguous points. The specific nonrandom patterns that we choose to look for
should be examples of patterns with a highly unlikely probability. The specific non-random patterns or
unlikely patterns are sometimes referred to as “run rules.” A trend is an observed occurrence of a run
rule being met, indicating a nonrandom or unlikely pattern in the data. These can be, for example, eight
(8) consecutive points in the same upward or downward direction, (3) three consecutive points
occurring 3Σ above the average baseline or (2) two consecutive points 2Σ above the average baseline.
There are many published statistical run rules. The specific run rules to be applied to any particular data
set are at the discretion of the company but should be defined in advance as part of the metric trending
plans established for each type of quality data that is subject to statistical data analysis. Statistical
analysis software applications allow the user to select which of many run rules to be applied when the
data is analyzed.

A few statistical concepts are introduced here but there are many and consulting with a qualified
statistician can be helpful in determining the most appropriate mean for data compilation,
transformation, presentation, and analysis. While control charts are the traditional means for analyzing
time ordered data to detect changes, another method, change-point analysis, is especially useful, if used
along with more traditional control charts. Control charts can effectively detect abnormal data and
major changes that occur in a brief period of time whereas change-point analysis can detect more subtle
changes over time. The rationale for selection of one statistical method over another is beyond the
scope of this article, as are the mathematics associated with diverse types of control charts. But the
statistical methodology used matters and should be selected, documented, and approved, based on the
type of data and the purpose of the analysis. Analysis of data associated with specific hazards or
hazardous situations should consider signals that are associated with both the current frequency of
occurrence in reference to the tolerable occurrence noted in the RMF as well non-normal data patterns
occurring over the time-ordered series shown on the control chart.

Also consider that data sets used in trending may need to include data compiled from multiple business
sites that manufacture the same product. This facilitates identification of potential design or user
related issues (as opposed to specific issues occurring on the manufacturing line.) Similarly, it may be
necessary to combine data for products that are highly similar in design (where minor design differences
are non-essential as they relate to functionality and performance).

Additional Points to Consider

Management needs to define the responsibility for establishing, preparing, and presenting routine trend
analysis data. Proper treatment of aggregate data and preparation for presentation to management
needs to be assigned to a person or team well trained in the use of statistical methods to analyze
diverse types of data for different purposes. Statistical trend analysis of Quality Data should be
considered a “QMS Process” and assigned a qualified Process Owner. Defining statistically relevant data
analysis as well as action levels requires specific knowledge, including training on the use of the tools
used for analysis such as Mini-Tab, Tableau, or JMP software. Leaving trending obligations to
“Production” and “QA” generalists could result in failure to meet requirements of ISO 13485:2016,
section 6.2, requiring that personnel performing work affecting product quality are competent based on
appropriate education, training, skills, and experience.

Quality system audits often document quality data analysis deficiencies similar to what FDA cited in the
March 15, 2024, Warning Letter. Sometimes auditors experience pushback from auditees contending
that the auditor is “requiring too much procedural detail,” “not allowing flexibility for data analysis” or
are ”going beyond regulatory expectations.”   Quality data analytics is a science that demands detailed
instructions to ensure appropriate signal detection. Metric trend plans approved via document control
need to define:

  • – Each specific data set for analysis.
  • – Purpose of the analysis (what does it provide or why are we monitoring the data set).
  • – How to extract the data set from data management systems.
  • – Functional area or persons responsible performing routine analysis of the specific data set.
  • – Frequency of analysis.
  • – Number of previous months of data to include on the current month’s trending chart to allow for detection of patterns over time (trends.)
  • – Statistical method to be used for analysis (for example, what type of run chart is to be used, run rules to apply or conditions which, if met, constitute a “trend”, basis for determining historical baseline,  rules for normalizing data, rules for combining related data sets).
  • – Alert and/or action limits (thresholds) at which escalation to investigation and CAPA occurs.
  • – Use of tools/software for data analysis.


If your company’s quality data analysis methodology does not reflect the maturity of your organization
and the complexity of your available data, you risk missing the opportunity to find and correct a medical
device problem before it becomes a health hazard requiring recall or an FDA enforcement action. Both
consume resources and can impact public information affecting public perception, stock price,
acquisition, and ultimately market share. The mathematics of data analysis results in both regulatory
and market intelligence and directly impacts management’s ability to make decisions needed to manage
on-market product risk.

About the Author

Rebecca D. Fuller has served in quality, regulatory, and compliance roles in the medical device and
pharmaceutical sectors for over 30 years. Her career began as an investigator for US FDA and later Ms.
Fuller served in management positions for several medical device companies. She later transitioned to
consulting and is currently serving as Director of Regulatory Sciences for QualityHub, Inc., a consultancy
well-recognized by FDA-regulated industries. Her expertise includes regulatory compliance strategy,
QMS development, GxP audits, risk management, post market surveillance, and product development
within the FDA regulated market.


CAPA – Corrective and Preventive Action
FDA – US Food and Drug Administration
GxP – Good Manufacturing Practices, Good Clinical Practices, or Good Documentation Practices
ISO – International Standards Organization
QMS – Quality Management System
RMF – Risk Management File


References accessed and/or verified on 10 May 2024.
1.  Medical Device Quality System Regulation, 21 CFR § 820.100, 820.250 (1996). Web:
2. International Organization for Standardization. (2016). Medical devices – Quality management
systems – Requirements for regulatory purposes. (ISO Standard No. 13485:2016). Web:
3. International Organization for Standardization. (2019). Medical device – Application of Risk
Management to Medical Devices (ISO Standard No. 14971:2019). Web:
4. Taylor, Wayne, Change-Point Analysis: A Powerful New Tool For Detecting Changes, Taylor
Enterprises, Libertyville, Illinois. Web:
5. Montgomery, D.C. (2020). Methods and Philosophy of Statistical Process Control. In J. Brady (Ed.),
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control (8 th Ed., pp. 175 – 217). John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

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